Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2 More Days to Go!

Christmas is almost here and the boys are excited! Remember, we're celebrating the birth of Jesus. He was born in a manger in Bethelem 2000 years or so ago to save the world. And then Santa came around a few years later…Below are some final photos of the boys so that Santa remembers to come to our house!

I'll I want is the teared apart wrapping paper and bows.

Our little drummer boy.

Play us some Freebird.

Hey look Jesse, I think I hear Santa.

Oklahoma is in the BCS championship game...that's a joke, right?

Practicing for my Driver's License photo in about one month!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Kai's First Pair of Shoes!

Kai's GG (grandma) got him an early Christmas present...his first pair of shoes! You can also see his 2 new front teeth...not all he wants for Christmas!

Who needs Baby Einstein, just give me hangers.

What's that on my foot?

Shouldn't he be melting by now?

GG, thank you, I love my new Snowman Shoes!